We were ready to create a mediterranean union
by Andrea Canino
Commentary by Andrea Canino, chairman of the Economic Cooperation Council, under the permanent sponsorship of the Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese Governments
On 6 many [French President] Nicolas Sarkozy set the establishment of the Mediterranean Union (MU) at the heart of his blueprint. This decision, which has created strong expectations in the countries of the southern shore, is equally important to those of the North. Following so many Euro-Mediterranean failures, it is indispensable, in order to avoid disappointment, to establish an initial institutional core before the end of the French six-month EU presidency in 2008.
Also on 6 May 2007, the Economic Cooperation Council [ECC] - over which I preside and which has been working on this project for the past two years - began a two-week mission throughout North Africa. This mission lies within the framework of formulating a plan of action for the Western Mediterranean, which European Commission president Barroso has entrusted to us. Thanks to the support of our sponsor governments and the cooperation of their ambassadors in the region, we met with, and have associated with our working group, the principal economic leaders of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Without wishing to preempt the conclusions of this group's proceedings, our meetings have already made it possible to clarify the importance of the issues at stake, to determine the initial perimeter for building the Mediterranean Union, and to identify a method to facilitate its establishment.
The MU is undeniably crucial to the countries of both shores. Indeed, an Iranian or Iraqi slide on the southern shore of the Mediterranean would have incalculable consequences. However, the establishment of a zone of prosperity and stability in the region would be very beneficial also to the countries of the northern shore, since it would shift Europe's centre of gravity southward and would galvanize a market of 150 million consumers, where we enjoy clear comparative advantages.
The Barcelona process pursued this same objective, but failed, by setting excessively broad objectives. Europe began not with a union of 27 countries but with economic cooperation among six countries based on coal and steel! In order to succeed in the Mediterranean we need to follow this example - to proceed in stages. In fact we have two Mediterraneans in the South - one, Asiatic, characterized by numerous hotbeds of infra-state and international instability; the other, African, and more stable. Though it is true that eventually the MU should be global, it is clear that in order to achieve concrete results quickly it is necessary to start with an initial North African phase. Similarly, on the European side, Barcelona involved too many actors with divergent interests, whereas the countries really interested in the Mediterranean are the four of the Latin arc - Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal (which commands 65 per cent of foreign investments in North Africa.) If we adopt this grouping of four plus five countries, it is necessary to identify the sectors in which to implement strengthened cooperation. Here, too, Barcelona adopted to broad a perspective: we need to give priority to just a few areas, as did the ECSC. Which ones?
The common management of human resources must be our "steel." The southern shore has a large young and untrained population, with unemployment levels above 30 per cent, which presents some very major risks for the future. As for Europe, it will be obliged considerably to increase its number of immigrants in order to maintain its economic balances. The United Nations estimates France's immigration requirement at 5.5 million from 2010 through 2050.
But in order to make supply and demand coincide, it is necessary to implement a very ambitious training policy jointly managed by the countries of both shores, which will also help to reduce cultural distances. Our "coal" is of course energy. In 2010 gas exports from North Africa (116 billion cubic meters) will be almost equivalent to the total present requirements of the four countries of the Latin arc. The countries of the South want prior access. We want security. Let us reach an early agreement! Water and communications could also be sectors worth exploring.
It remains to determine the driving force for this initial stage. The Barcelona process focused on an all-governmental approach. We believe that a dialogue among the nine countries' economic leaders, with the governments' encouragement, is equally indispensable. Since 2003 the ECC - which, under the permanent sponsorship of the governments of Latin arc, brings together the major economic decisionmakers of the countries of the northern shore - has been working for the region's integration and growth. The great interest shown in our plan by the 134 economic and government figures with whom we met during on North African mission has prompted us to associate this component of our working group with a Mediterranean Co-development Council.
In order to succeed all that was lacking was a strong political message, to impart a powerful impetus to the Mediterranean Union project. Nicola Sarkozy has succeeded in expressing and establishing it. Now all hopes are valid... if we combine our efforts.
Pertinent Links:
1) We were ready to create a mediterranean union
Friday, June 01, 2007
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