Friday, June 01, 2007


Brussels hails Sarkozy's moderation on Turkey
By Alexandrine Bouilhet in Brussels

Interview with European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn.

Are you reassured by the head of state's intention not to block the pursuit of negotiations with Turkey in June?

The new French president is displaying a responsible attitude. It is preferable to continue the negotiating process with Turkey, particularly since this country is experiencing a very difficult period prior to the July general elections. The EU must continue to help the development of democracy in Turkey. The final decision on that country's membership must not be made until the very end of the process.

What is the importance of the opening of these three chapters in the negotiations, 26 June?

On the European side, it involves honouring our commitment of December 2006, when we decided to pursue negotiations. For Turkey, it is an important signal, because many Turks are wondering about the EU's credibility. This is essential in order to establish the process of reforms on a sound basis in Turkey.


Do you not think that there is a "hidden agenda" on the part of the AKP, the ruling conservative Islamic party in Ankara, to Islamize Turkish society?

No. Such fears are highly exaggerated. There is no evidence of this hidden agenda, after five years of government by Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul. I think that the AKP is a "Muslim democratic" party, just as there are "Christian democratic" parties elsewhere in Europe. The European perspective is very positive for these Muslims, whom I would describe as "post-Islamist." It offers them guarantees against the grip of the security apparatus. The reforms demanded by Europe are more difficult for the Kemal-ist tendency to accept - particularly freedom of expression.


Pertinent Links:

1) Brussels hails Sarkozy's moderation on Turkey

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