Monday, June 04, 2007


New Hamas TV Footage Shows Kindergartners Touting Life of Jihad

Palestinian children as young as 5 are being indoctrinated into a life of jihad, according to a report on a Hamas television station.

The program, which aired May 31 on Al-Aqsa TV and was translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute, shows boys participating in a kindergarten graduation ceremony at the Islamic Association in Gaza dressed in military garb and touting "death for the sake of Allah."

In front of a cheery mural that shows children laughing as they run through a field with balloons, these camouflage-clad boys instead participate in military-style maneuvers. Some are masked in balaclavas, wearing black vests and carrying what appear to be toy AK-47s.

"Who is your role model?" the masked boys yell. "The Prophet."


Pertinent Links:

New Hamas TV Footage Shows Kindergartners Touting Life of Jihad


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