Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Creeping and creepy Islamification
By Gary Reid

Bit by bit, Muslims are nibbling at the institutional structures of North America, mainly because decision-makers have no idea about the religion and politics of Islam.

The United States experienced an uproar when Keith Ellison, a newly elected Congressman from Minnesota, and a Muslim, declared that he would take his oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States carrying a Koran. Christian Americans declared that this would violate the Christian foundations of America.

Oaths of office do not require the use of any religious book to have legal force and effect. The Constitution of the United States specifically rules out religion of any kind as a barrier to a public official taking office. The Speaker of the House swears in the members en masse and the members simply hold up their right hands while they recite the oath. Frequently, members, especially those from Bible-belt states, like to get a photo of a private swearing-in ceremony that shows them holding a Bible. It adds the right touch in re-election literature for the folks back home.

For many Americans, this was simply a battle over the primacy of holy books.

But it runs deeper than that. A Muslim is required by his religion to abide only by God's laws and not to trust, or even necessarily obey, laws made by man. The U.S. Constitution is man-made law. So one wonders how Congressman Ellison can square that circle.

One commentator, defending Ellison, said that he was making his oath to God and that the fact he carried any religious book was irrelevant. The matter is further confused since the God of Islam is supposed to be the same God of the Jews and the Christians.

So, if he was making his oath to God, then why did he insist on making it on the Koran?


Pertinent Links:

1) Creeping and creepy Islamification

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