Monday, January 01, 2007


Islam poses a threat to America

"Religious bigotry, ignorance and self-righteousness" have all been submitted to explain Rep. Goode's recent letter to constituents, and tempers have flared over its warnings. Amidst the turmoil, it seems people have failed to consider the possibility that the threats Goode warns of are credible. Instead, in keeping with the ignorance of the lets-just-try-to-understand-and-accept mentality that permeates America, Goode is automatically labeled a bigoted religious crusader.

Though Goode's letter may appear "politically incorrect," its warnings about the danger of Muslim immigration are accurate and urgent. It doesn't seem that bigotry motivates Goode, rather recognition of the common denominator among today's cruelest terror organizations — Islam. The issue is whether the general Muslim population threatens America. It's undisputable that groups like al-Qaida present credible threats; however, many Westerners have adopted the position that Islamic terror groups are composed of "a few radical fundamentalists." We have only witnessed those fanatics who are willing to commit suicide missions, but the fact remains that not all but most Muslims share those fanatics' beliefs, though they won't commit suicide for them. An exhaustive list of Islamic terror groups would fill pages; these groups proliferate because of the support offered to them by the Muslim culture, which predominantly shares their anti-American-anti-Semite-anti-West mentality. Much of Muslim society indicates their unified credence to terrorist ideals. A prime example is the grand-scale indoctrination of Iranian students. The first thing many preschools teach students is the chant "Death to America!" Such racist indoctrination, imbedded in every facet of Muslim education and society, couldn't occur unless embraced by the populace. Many Muslim leaders, including the Grand Ayatollah, the supreme Shiite cleric and Iran's true political leader, promote this indoctrination and regularly incite Muslim protests where thousands show their hatred in such ways as burning mannikins wrapped in American flags.

This demonstrates unrestrained propagation of terrorist ideals throughout the culture rather than among a radical few.

Rather than a radical Muslim minority we have a radical Muslim culture—a culture that left 58 dead (many Christians, some burned alive) in response to the Mohammed cartoons — simple cartoons. This culture's religious leaders called for that cartoonist's head, and its practitioners celebrated in the streets on 9/11. Repeatedly, Muslim political and religious leaders have failed to decry terrorist atrocities such as 9/11. The reality that this culture is growing nearly 1 percent faster than the world's population demands action. Perhaps Goode's concern is that it will invade America as it has Europe.


Pertinent Links:

1) Islam poses a threat to America

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