Saturday, January 27, 2007


Word 'peace' masks Islamic terrorist groups

"Peace" is a highly misused word; In the eyes of former Communist Party USA, it was useful to disguise their subversive political action groups here. This tactic is still around, but lately used to mask dangerous Islamic hardcore terrorist groups.

After you published my letter exposing Jimmy Carter's new proterrorist and anti-U.S. and anti-Semitic speeches, I received an unmarked envelope in the U.S. mail. It contained a "nice" full color leaflet from yet another phony group, "Jewish Voice for Peace." A quick read reveals two things: they are no more for peace than Attila the Hun. What they are is pro-Hamas, pro-Fatah, and pro-Hezbollah, all Islamic terrorist gangs. The main sponsor is a known Hollywood left extremist, Ed Asner. The other few Jewish "sponsors" are obviously dupes or wish to destroy the nation of Israel. The name of the person who mailed it to me anonymously was heavily inked out, but a simple monochromatic light beam revealed plainly the name of the woman, a resident of Gettysburg who is known to support "Palestinian" causes and who writes regularly against Israel. Actually, there is no such thing as "Palestine." It was invented by the Brits in 1923 to help Islamics drive out the Jewish settlers who were trickling back and reclaiming the barren deserts.

Badly wishing for peace, the Israelis recently and foolishly gave full political autonomy to the so-called "Palestinians" in Gaza. The Gaza residents promptly voted in a terrorist Hamas government in free supervised elections. Now Hamas and Fatah are engaged in a bloody civil war in Gaza, and continuing to inflict attacks on the foolish Israelis. So far, Hamas and Fatah have murdered 17 innocent "Gazians," and Hezbollah, their "peaceful" neighbor in Lebanon killed the prime minister and 22 assembly members. Peace anyone?

Charles F. Morris

Pertinent Links:

1) Word 'peace' masks Islamic terrorist groups

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