Saturday, December 30, 2006


UAE rejects US criticism on 'sensitive' exports
Dubai customs authority ‘deeply concerned’ by US remarks, says it closely cooperates with Americans.

DUBAI - The United Arab Emirates rejected a US charge that it was failing to stop the export through its territory of potentially sensitive material that could be used for terrorist attacks.

"Dubai Customs has been closely cooperating with the relevant US and other international organizations in preventing any suspicious activities, particularly in the fields of WMD non-proliferation as well as transfer of missile technologies," the customs authority in the UAE emirate of Dubai said.

"Dubai Customs has also been very cooperative... in establishing controls for dual use materials which were in line with internationally approved and accepted lists," it said in a statement.

The customs authority said it was "deeply concerned" by remarks made by US Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration Christopher Padilla, in which he cited the activities of a UAE-based company, Mayrow General Trading, as "just one example of an alarming lack of export oversight by the government of the UAE".

Padilla said on December 14 that the company and related entities had acquired "electronic components used to construct Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) like those that have been used against coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan".

The United States is "increasingly disturbed by the diversion of goods to Iran and Syria through various ports in the UAE," Padilla said.

Washington accuses Iran and Syria of feeding the mounting violence in Iraq, saying it sees Iranian fingerprints on Shiite militias and IEDs such as roadside bombs that have killed many US soldiers. It also accuses Syria of letting extremists into Iraq.

Dubai Customs said it was difficult to monitor material and technologies used to make IEDs, which are constructed with a variety of widely used equipment.

"Regarding the companies in question, no intelligence was shared (by the US) regarding what kind of material was exported and who received them, nor was there any direct reference to shipments outbound to restricted destinations that have been known to use them in constructing any IED," the statement said.

The firms were not found to be in violation of any export controls or UAE laws, it added.

Dubai, one of the UAE's seven constituent emirates, is a bustling business and tourism hub.

They cannot control what happens in their own ports, or perhaps it should be said that like good moslems they do what is necessary to support the ummah...

This is the same nation that operates the company that wanted to take control of several ports within the United States...

I wonder what they would have allowed to enter this country, if they had been in charge...

Some facts about the UAE:

– The UAE was one of three countries in the world to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.
– The UAE has been a key transfer point for illegal shipments of nuclear components to Iran, North Korea and Lybia.
– According to the FBI, money was transferred to the 9/11 hijackers through the UAE banking system.
– After 9/11, the Treasury Department reported that the UAE was not cooperating in efforts to track down Osama Bin Laden’s bank accounts.

Pertinent Links:

1) UAE rejects US criticism on 'sensitive' exports

2) Congressional Letter of Alarm concerning the UAE Ports Deal

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