Sunday, November 26, 2006


Nazism And Islam
By James L. Clark
Nov 26, 2006


On 11 September 2001, some 3,000 people in this country died as the result of the will of one man, Osama bin Laden, who claimed that it was his RELIGIOUS duty, as well as the RELIGIOUS duty of all Moslems, to kill infidels – all people who are not adherents of Islam. He may or may not be alive and well, but if and when he is gone, his movement, made in the name of religion, will not die. This is abundantly clear today in such places as Sudan, where in Darfur the Islamic-controlled Sudanese government has put, and is putting, to the sword hundreds of thousands of infidels.

Virtually every person in the United States is an infidel, and is marked with the same "fatwa" (order to kill) that was pronounced against the author Salmon Rushdie simply because what he wrote didn't set well with some ayatollah in Iran. By his own admission, Rushdie is not Moslem, but he probably would have been marked for death if he had been...just because he criticized Islam. Not even that is allowed. Imagine the Pope pronouncing a "fatwa" against the many people who have called attention to the "pedophile/homosexual" problem in the Catholic Church.

It has been obvious in recent decades that Islam is a force with which to reckon, one driven by government-controlling fanatical religionists working through decent but gullible people, for the most part, to overcome entire populations, using terror as their main method. Moslems, no matter their individual proclivity for peace, are so thoroughly brainwashed, at least in the Middle East, North Africa, and Indonesia (huge populations) that they will kill as a religious matter, one of the most compelling forces in the human condition.

The fact that Saddam and Osama are off the scene now, at least for all practical purposes, means nothing with respect to the danger, most graphically seen in the rulers of Iran, whose president has said publicly that his nation will wipe out Israel and, by extension, the United States. When Hitler and Stalin disappeared, there was no glue to hold their thugs together. Not so with Islam. Using the tools of terror/religion, Moslem leaders cower their own populations and successfully groom their successors, so that there will never be a lack of leadership and the religious terror with which it threatens its own people and all the "infidels."

Pertinent Links:

1) Nazism And Islam

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