Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Where is condemnation of Muslim terrorists?

I read the article in Saturday’s edition of the Hernando Today about the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. It was quite interesting to me to read on page 12A that “County Parks Department workers will help at the event scheduled next week,” I certainly hope that “help” does not mean county employees will work on the county payroll during the time they are working at the event. If they are volunteering their time, no problem, that is of course their choice, but your newspaper should clarify that. Obviously, county workers don’t get paid to usher, serve communion, clean the grounds or anything else for churches or synagogues. Please clarify this matter and print a correction if these workers are volunteers. Why would county Parks Department workers be used if the event is not being held on taxpayer-supported county property. I doubt that I’m the only one who is confused.

You also reported, that portions of the Quran are read each night of the Muslim holiday, so that it is completely recited by the end of Ramadan. It is common knowledge that there are passages in the Quran that encourage violence against non-Muslims, and are used today to advance the global jihad agenda.

Nearly every day, somewhere in the world, a radical Muslim commits a terrorist act. Where is the condemnation of Muslim terrorist leaders by the “peaceful” Muslims? Their silence has been deafening. So, should our county tax dollars pay for the Parks Department workers to “help” with this Muslim event? I don’t think so. Separation of church and state is raised any time government ever hints at helping at Christian or Jewish events. Is there a double standard here?

June Ester
Royal Highlands

Pertinent Links:

1) Where is condemnation of Muslim terrorists?

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