Monday, February 04, 2008


Radical Australian Islamists say they have no sympathy for Bali victims

A documentary to be aired in Australia tonight has two Aussies who have become radical Islamists saying they have limited sympathy for the victims of the Bali bomb attacks.

One of them is Rabbiah Hutchinson, a former hippie who converted to Islam in and is accused of being the ‘grand dame’ of extremist jihadis in Australia.

She says Australians holidaying on Bali are often engaged in paedophilia and drug taking.

And another Australian who converted to radical Islam praises Osama bin Laden, saying he follows a ‘correct’ version of Islam.

The women are featured in a documentary screening on ABC TV tonight.


ABC tricked us, say Muslim women
by Paul Maley

TWO Muslim women say their participation in an ABC documentary pitched as a "bridge-building" exercise between Islam and the wider community has left them fearful for their safety.
Raisah bint Alan Douglas and 54-year-old Rabiah Hutchinson, the so-called "matriarch" of radical Islam in Australia, have accused the makers of an ABC documentary, Jihadi Sheilas, of deceitful and unethical conduct, saying they were tricked into participating in what they fear will be a misleading documentary.

Yesterday, the women delivered a formal letter of protest to the ABC's Sydney headquarters.

Ms Hutchinson said she had already been subjected to a verbal attack as a result of the documentary, scheduled to screen tonight.

The two women told The Australian that they were approached separately by an ABC documentary crew last year and invited to participate.

They said they were explicitly and repeatedly told the material would be used on the ABC's long-running Australian Story, a show Ms Douglas described as "patriotic (and) sympathetic". She said she was told the focus of the program would be the women's conversion to Islam, not their alleged links to extremists.

"They said, 'We're going to put you on Australian Story'," Ms Douglas told The Australian. "'We'd like to because there's a lot of negative publicity around Muslims and it seems to be getting worse. We, as a community channel, want to do something about it ... It will be a bridge-building exercise between the Muslim community and the Australian general public."'

The women - neither of whom has seen the program - are concerned the final product portrays them as traitors.


Since they have reverted to islam, yes they should be considered (and are) traitors to all of Western Civilization...

Pertinent Links:

Radical Australian Islamists say they have no sympathy for Bali victims

2) ABC tricked us, say Muslim women

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